Collection Notice

The Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) requires The Base Support Services Inc. (TBSS) notify an individual of certain matters when it collects and discloses personal information about them.

TBSS is bound by the provisions of the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) including the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs). Your personal information will be handled in accordance with our obligations under this Act.

Personal information is any information or an opinion that identifies you and includes sensitive and health information.

The primary purpose for collecting personal information from individuals is to provide services to young people and their families, and to people with disabilities, including planning, funding, monitoring and evaluating our services. However the kind of information we collect will depend on your relationship with us (e.g. as a client, donor, business partner, employee, volunteer or member, online user accessing our website or social medias). In accordance with Australian Privacy Principle 3, we will generally only collect sensitive information (e.g. your religious beliefs, sexual orientation, health information) with your consent.

Personal information will not be disclosed to third parties without your consent, except where permitted or required under the Privacy Act.

All personal information collected from you will be securely stored by TBSS and protected from unauthorised use or access. All reasonable steps will be taken to ensure information is accurate and up-to-date.

We have developed a Privacy Policy to protect individuals’ privacy. This Policy will be made available to you at or close to the time we collect any information. It is also available in printed form upon request from our office or may be downloaded from our website: It contains more information about:

  • our responsibilities
  • your rights
  • what personal information and health and other sensitive information is
  • the information that may be collected by us, as well as
  • why and how we collect, store, use and disclose it.

Our Privacy Policy also provides a process for requesting access to, and correcting, your personal information and making a privacy complaint.

If you have any enquiries in relation to privacy or personal information, or wish to change how we contact you (via mail, phone, email, face-to-face) please contact us: 07 3818 3118 or

For more information about the Australian Privacy Principles please visit the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner’s website: